Please read through carefully. Upon purchasing you are agreeing to follow and uphold the following Code of Conduct. Please email [email protected] if you have any questions.


Thank you for taking the time to read through and sign The Gala Darling Method Code of Conduct & Ethics agreement. As GDM students and potentially certified graduates, you are expected to set and uphold high standards in your communities, during online and in-person events, and in this group. Ultimately this code of conduct is meant to ensure that GDM students and graduates become known as the standard bearers in the tapping community and that this reputation allows for graduates to receive the BEST opportunities and help the MOST people.




Live calls with Gala will all take place on Zoom.

ARRIVE ON TIME: During these Zoom calls it is extremely imperative that you arrive on time and ready to focus.

ZOOM NAME MATCHES THE NAME YOU REGISTERED WITH: During Zoom calls please make sure your Zoom ID matches the name you used to register for GDM+. This is to avoid confusion for your fellow classmates and Gala. 

LOG ON USING ONE ACCOUNT: During practicals please only log on to the Zoom using one account. We may be putting you into break out rooms from time-to-time, and Zoom will not discriminate between a mobile login and your desktop account, which again will cause confusion for participants and team members who are in charge of sorting groups. One account is plenty! 


As a GDM member you also receive access to our exclusive Circle group where you will be able to:

💖 Stay connected to the group and get the latest announcements

💖 Workshop what you are learning in GDM

💖 Ask questions

💖 Share resources + support!

Please refer to The Circle group rules in the group itself for specific rules and guidelines. 

NOTE: Circle does allow the ability to private message, which is WONDERFUL for practice groups and connecting one on one. HOWEVER, we do ask that you do not solicit anyone in direct messages or in posts in the forum


It is the responsibility of every practitioner to apply the code of ethics appropriately within your local legal system.


This Code is a set of common-sense rules intended to guide our decision-making as GDM members and potentially certified graduates. It’s impossible to spell out every possible ethical scenario we might face. Instead, we rely on one another’s good judgment to uphold a high standard of integrity for ourselves and The GDM Community. 

If you think the Code’s application to any situation is unclear, ask yourself:

  • Is this fair?
  • Is this legal?
  • Would it be okay if this happened to me or one of my peers?
  • Would it be okay if this were published online?
  • Would I feel comfortable describing this situation to a judge? What about a loved one?

While all members of the GDM community must always act with integrity during the course of their work, each of us has the increased responsibility to lead by example and empower others by reinforcing the principles listed throughout this agreement. You have the opportunity to help shape this community’s reputation. Use your knowledge to enrich discussions, help solve problems, share the excitement of our work, promote learning and idea-sharing.


  • Demonstrate integrity & honesty
  • Create an inclusive, safe space for ALL
  • Practice professionalism & protecting confidential information
  • Practice personal responsibility
  • Follow The Social Media Etiquette Guidelines

Each of these core values is elaborated on below. Remember to seek help in resolving issues when they arise. Visit the GDM Circle group and explore solutions with your peers, consult a business partner and/or a professional in your area. Send an email inquiry to us at [email protected]


Demonstrate Honesty & Integrity! Expect the best and assume the best, of yourself and each other. Use honesty and integrity to guide your behavior, decision-making, and communication with others. And remember, our reputation as a community of practitioners that our clients can trust is one of our most valuable assets. It is up to all of us to make sure that we continually earn that trust. We do what we say we will do. We do not over promise or under deliver. We are open, honest, and account for our actions.


✅ Keep it 💯(honest) - Provide evidence based findings. Always be honest with clients and your community. 

✅ Exercise good judgment - “Act as if” everyone is watching

✅ Ask for help if you are ever unsure of what to do


🚫 Don’t be shady - like misleading clients or promoting sensationalist ideas. 

🚫 Don’t be underhanded - like releasing a former client’s confidential information or sharing trademarked materials from the GDM  program

🚫 Don’t be counterproductive - like undermining a peer’s work or engaging in negative spirals online + in the workplace. 


The GDM Community is committed to maintaining a work environment that is grounded in respect for each individual and their personal dignity. This includes creating a safe, inclusive, and supportive space for clients, peers and your community. (online and in person) 

Respectful Workplace.

Treat everyone with respect. Take the time to listen and understand each other’s perspectives and remember that GDM values individuality and diversity. Part of this means understanding that it is okay and supported to disagree with each other, as well as accepting that we bring different perspectives. Simply put, we don’t tolerate bullying, harassment, violence, or discrimination. #NoJerks

Equal Opportunity.

When you become a GDM practitioner, you are committing to providing a space that is inclusive with equal opportunity and fair treatment of everyone (employees, clients, business partners + social media followers etc). We do not discriminate based on race, ancestry, religion, place of origin, color, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, gender identity, gender expression, culture, national origin, pregnancy, sexual orientation, age, marital status, family status, mental or physical disability, socio-economic or social conditions, or any other factor unrelated to EFT requirements. Provide the same amazing quality of service to ALL.

You are of course entitled to decide who you work with. If you have no logical reason to say "no" to someone, but your 'gut' is telling you to do so, you are entitled, and even advised, to follow your gut feeling, but remember…Once you accept a client, the interests of the client are paramount. Members are obliged to provide the best attention and services they can to their clients.

Safe Container.

GDM students and graduates hold the health and welfare of their clients, students, and others with whom they become professionally involved as the highest priority. As a GDM member, it is your responsibility to ensure that your practice space and any associated waiting areas are safe. Physically safe + psychologically safe as well. Well-kempt with the ability to provide your credentials quickly.

When working with clients via the Internet, practitioners are unable to control the client's environment. We recommend that practitioners discuss with the client whether his or her location is private. Help them create a safe container for themselves.

Boundaries create safety too. Have a consultation process that is locked in to ensure the development of a clearly stated contract of responsibilities + expectations with your client. Make clear to clients the fee structure for your services including charges for late cancellation or missed sessions, and any other contract into which the member will expect them to enter.

If a client is seeking help with symptoms that are prolonged or potentially life-threatening or that you feel are cause for concern, the practitioner should ask whether the client has consulted a medical professional and, if they have not, to advise them to do so. They should also record this in the client notes.


✅ Be cool + considerate - ask yourself, “Am I treating people the way they wish to be treated”?
✅ Show appreciation for what your colleagues do, post shout outs, say thanks, and recognize hustle
✅ Speak up if you see or experience bullying, harassment, violence, or discrimination


🚫 Don’t be a jerk - like yelling at, belittling, or threatening a colleague, client, or business partner
🚫 Don’t be creepy - like making unwanted comments about someone’s appearance
🚫 Don’t be a mean person - like spreading rumors and gossip


As a reflection of GDM itself, we ask that you conduct yourself with professionalism at work, Gala Darling hosted events and on social media. Strive for professional excellence through ongoing assessment of personal strengths, limitations, and effectiveness. Conduct business and professional activities with integrity, in a professional, honest, and fair manner. 


All GDM graduates who are practicing are required to have some form of insurance and/or a contractual agreement in place with your clients that any legal dispute must be resolved in the jurisdiction of you, the practitioner.

Protect Confidential Information in the Community.

At The GDM we value transparency and open discussion. However, a culture of openness must also be built on a foundation of trust - trust that when we frankly and honestly discuss our goals, challenges, and achievements, that the information will stay within the GDM Community (virtual) walls. Do not disclose information about colleagues, misuse their personal data or publish their photos without their permission. Put simply, ‘keep it in the fam’!

Don’t break the law babe. 

Be aware and observe local laws about the delivery of EFT in the country in which you are operating, as well as that of your client’s. In addition we expect you to be aware of and uphold all local regulations and laws in your current jurisdiction.


As you build your marketing materials in GDM, make sure that all the advertising is honest and relevant. This includes, but is not limited to, brochures, websites, directory entries, social media + certificates.

Never make claims to "cure" anything or promise any particular outcome. If claims are made about previous results working in a problem area, these must be backed up by robust supporting evidence. It must also be made clear that this particular event does not guarantee the outcome for everyone.


✅ Keep it in the fam! - What happens in the GDM community stays there
✅ Stay in the lines - When operating in person make sure your space is insured and have a contract that solidifies guidelines for working together
✅ Stay up to date with GDM policies - Every year this document is revised...stay current


🚫 Don’t be messy - refrain from sharing confidential information
🚫 Don’t be sleazy - avoid “cure” statements and sensational claims. “This EFT session will make you look like J-Lo and make you a millionaire”
🚫 Don’t be a cowboy - know the law in your local area and act in accordance


Apply the code of conduct in addition to these guidelines when posting on social media

Social media is a powerful tool when wielded with respect. It allows us to share knowledge and ideas regardless of rank, title, or experience. It’s a way for us to take part in conversations around the work we do as GDM certified gradates, show our expertise, build trust and generate leads.

While this digital interaction brings huge benefits, it also comes with responsibilities. Social media has blurred the lines between people’s personal and professional time and space. It is important to understand that the impact of a person’s online presence can have repercussions in both their personal and professional lives. 

Active social media interaction and community participation is encouraged as a medium of self-expression and marketing, however, it is important that guidelines are in place to minimize the risks of online engagement to your clients and/or GDM’s reputation. We developed this code of conduct to ensure your interactions are safe, positive, and truly representative of the Gala Darling, GDM, and GDM+ brand.


When creating your own accounts, one decision you need to make is whether you will use it for personal, professional, or both types of content.

You may choose to have social media accounts that are entirely personal: no mention of your work, no sharing of tapping content, no connection between your channel and the GDM brand. In this case, you are free to use your channel as you wish.

Bear in mind that in this day and age, keeping the private and personal, and professional entirely separate is almost impossible. Just because you don’t declare your work, it’s not hard for people to connect the dots. This means that as a GDM graduate, we expect you to abide by our overarching social media etiquette guidelines in everything you do.


As soon as you use a social media account or blog that links the content with GDM, there are specific guidelines you need to abide by:

It should always be clear that the account is not a corporate channel but rather the voice of an individual. Once you have declared your association with GDM, anything you post should reflect our values and align with our ethical principles.

Do not include GDM as part of your profile or username (e.g., @JaneGalaDarlingMethod)

You are welcome to use official GDM-branded graphics for your social media profiles AS LONG AS YOU ARE AN ACTIVE MEMBER. We encourage you to add the GDM badge to your website and social media channels upon certification.

Retweets or shares are endorsements (regardless of what people put in their bio), which means sharing content that constitutes defamation, disparagement or abuse will not be tolerated by GDM.

Never share content that is client confidential or reveals confidential intellectual property.


Keep in mind that most social platforms are like public markets: what’s out there is available for all to see. On social platforms, the boundaries of professional and personal information are not always clear. In these days of shifting privacy policies and powerful search engine indexing, you can’t always be sure what is being shared, viewed, or archived. Note that what you publish online will be public for a very long time. 

If you are unsure whether certain content is appropriate to share online, then don’t post it. It’s better to be safe than sorry.


Always act in a professional and constructive manner and use sound judgment before posting. Always be polite and respectful of individuals’ opinions, especially when discussions become heated. Show proper consideration for other people’s privacy. 

You are personally responsible for your words and actions, no matter where you are, even in the online world. Please remember that when you participate in social media, you are speaking as an individual and not on behalf of the Group. 

Where applicable law permits, be aware that Darling Industries reserves the right to monitor use of social platforms and take appropriate action to protect against misuse that may be harmful to the reputation or the community and the wellbeing of the collective. Breaches of these Guidelines will be sanctioned in accordance with applicable laws.


Your behavior online should be consistent with Our Code of Ethics. 

Trust is the key element in building relationships online. Build trust by keeping a respectful tone, even when disagreeing with others, and by responding to comments in a timely manner. If you realize that you’ve made a mistake, try to correct it promptly.

Do not engage in any conduct online that would not be acceptable in your workplace or that is unlawful. For example, do not make derogatory remarks, bully, intimidate, harass other users, use insults or post content that is hateful, slanderous, threatening + discriminating.

Darling Industries respects personal opinions and you should respect others and their right to think differently to you. It is worth remembering that topics involving politics, religion and sexuality can be highly sensitive and you should consider refraining from addressing topics that may be deemed personal, objectionable or even offensive. You should not make remarks, jokes or display material that may offend a member of a particular race, religion or gender.

Please also bear in mind that your readers, due to a lack of non-verbal communication or cultural differences, can interpret the tone you use online in different ways. Some participants may not be familiar with abbreviations, emoticons, and other common codes used in online communication. Everyone is doing their best so give grace and let things go! 


Always protect clients’ and the GDM+ community confidentiality and other proprietary information. This is a contractual and legal requirement; breaches are subject to significant fines and the possibility of criminal prosecution. Do not publish anything online you wouldn’t share with a journalist, client, analyst or competitor.

Make sure any reference to clients does not violate any non-disclosure obligations. 


Comply with laws and regulations and more particularly with laws governing intellectual property rights including copyrights and trademarks.


Social media provides the tools to have targeted conversations with customers who can directly drive advocacy and recommendations for your business. However, this valuable two-way dialogue still carries the same risks as any traditional form of communication in the public arena. These guidelines, therefore, aim to provide advice and guidance on how to responsibly manage this increasingly important platform.

As a part of The GDM Community, you are representing Gala Darling, GDM, and the community. We ask that you keep this in mind and when you have questions or concerns REACH OUT TO US at [email protected]