Call To Action

Lover Girl: Devoted

Is your relationship missing the spark and sense of connection you once had?
Has stress dimmed your romance, making you feel distant and disconnected?
...And are you ready to create an epic love story, and rediscover your relationship's superpowers?!

One of the great conundrums of life...

Being in love is a such a blessing. Maybe you hoped for it, prayed for it, manifested it...

But the law of familiarity, over time, can make even the most fabulous love feel stale and dull.

God, in the beginning, it's so magical. You feel practically dizzy with joy and lust, and you'll tell anyone who will listen about how this person is absolutely perfect for you...

But over time, the sizzle starts to fade.

What used to feel like erotic ecstasy every night now feels like a stained sweatpants convention. 

Long, giggle-filled phone-calls have been replaced with terse text messages about picking up groceries, scheduling, and reminders to pay bills...

And quite frankly, it sucks.

This is NOT the love story you signed up for!

But here's the thing.

You are both the same people you once were!

Okay, maybe you have a couple of extra grey hairs that were absolutely NOT there before...

But fundamentally, you're still the same two people who fell in love, once upon a time.

Maybe right now that feels like a very distant past, because you're exhausted from trying to bring the magic back. You feel like you've tried everything and yet, the two of you still return to the same old dance. 

And as a result, you’re feeling low on confidence, in search of your missing spark, and not sure exactly how to shake off the bad vibes.

...Because no matter whether you've been together ten months or ten years, you want a love story that sets your heart on fire! You want to smile when their name flashes up on your phone, not grimace. You want to have make-out sessions on the kitchen counter, book steamy staycations just because you're feeling it, flirt at dinner, and be overwhelmingly proud of your boo.

And you deserve all of that... And more.

You love your partner with your whole heart. They are still your favorite person, even though the shine has come off a little bit! You wouldn't trade them for anyone else -- you still see a beautiful future with them.

But it's so frustrating that your togetherness isn't feeling as good as it once was.

And you might find yourself wondering... Is it too late to get the spark back, and have you both gone through too much drama to revive it? Are the two of you even able to change at this point?! Are you too locked into old patterns to break free and create the kind of love story you always dreamed about?

The truth is that you are in a crucial moment.

This is the moment where you get to decide whether this is THE END of the relationship... Or THE BEGINNING.

And deciding that is THE BEGINNING means you get to take initiative and be the energetic leader.

Because you could sit around forever waiting for your beloved to "get the hint" and dazzle you with their romantic instincts.

Or... Hear me out... You could decide that this is your love story, that they are lucky to be cast in it, and that you're going to be the director of your own rom com!


How does it work?

Lover Girl: Devoted is a six week experience where you'll learn to bring the sparkle, the sizzle, and the sex (!) back to your relationship... Because life is too short to watch TV every night!

Lover Girl is a first, combining psychology, journaling, the somatic practice of tapping, manifestation, visualization, and a delicious dose of glamor magic to connect you with your radiance, bring back those fabulous love sparks, and awaken new levels of passion, fun, and deep intimacy.

(In other words... Your boo won't know what hit 'em!)

In this very intimate group, my workshops are designed to help you get clear about what you want from your partnership, and the tapping sessions will re-wire your brain so that making supportive choices is easier than ever before.

You'll be stunned by how much this truly changes your experience of life.

It's time to fall in love with your partner... Again!

lover girl...

What will shift in Lover Girl? 

You will let go of old resentments that have been holding you back from true, deep connection with your partner...

You will get absolutely clear about how you want your love story to look, and make no apology for it!

You will feel a sense of optimism again, and begin taking concrete steps towards bringing your love vision to reality!

You will gain your confidence back, and fall in love with yourself -- and your beloved -- again...

You will remember your sensual magic, so that both you and your partner see you in a whole new light... 

You will release your inhibitions, bringing a whole new spark to your love and your partnership!

And I can't promise you multiple orgasms, but if you're looking to feel turned on by life, I promise this process will help you take ownership of your pleasure in a totally new way!

Lover Girl curriculum:

*This is a suggested timeline, but you will have instant access to all the workshops and tappings as soon as you join and you can take them whenever you like*


Workshop: Our very first workshop will help you get clarity on where you are right now, and where you want Devoted to take you! What does your legendary love story look like? As a collective, we will set our sights on how we want our love stories to evolve over the next six weeks, and dedicate ourselves to making the energetic and metaphysical moves required to get there! 

Tapping: Our first tapping class is like giving your relationship an energetic colonic! This tapping will assist you in dropping old resentments, stories, guilt and shame, so that you can wipe the slate clean and start anew with your beloved! If you’ve ever wished for a cosmic do-over, this is it! 



Workshop: Our second workshop shines a big spotlight on YOU. It’s time to remember who you were before things started to feel dull! Where are you experiencing pleasure in your life? Where have you given away your interests, preferences, and desires in order to keep the peace? You’ll learn about the Lover Girl Laws and discover how the HOTTIE framework can plug you back into your radiance.

Tapping: Our second tapping class will help you let go of any guilt you might feel about taking time and space to fill yourself up. You'll feel empowered and inspired to create your own pleasure practice so that you have more than enough good vibes to overflow into your relationship! 



Workshop: Our third workshop is a communication masterclass! When you are able to be honest with yourself and your partner, you become unstoppable! We'll examine the things you struggle to say or share in your relationship, and get clarity around the one thing you need to express to move your relationship to the next level. Life will never be the same after this class!

Tapping: Our third tapping class will help you release the wounding you hold around speaking your truth, unblock that throat chakra, and say it from the heart. This powerful tapping will have unbelievable ripple effects across the rest of your life! 



Workshop: Great relationships are the product of so much more than one lackluster date night a week! Our fourth workshop will load you up with ideas to bring the magic, spice and sparkle back to your love story. We'll even take your partner's preferences into account so that you both feel excited about breaking out of your current comfort zone. How thoughtful of us! 

Tapping: Our fourth tapping class will dismantle any resistance you have around being the leader and taking initiative in your relationship. It's time to throw out those old, outdated ideas and step into your goddamn power as the director of your own rom com!



Workshop: Let’s talk about sex, baby! Our fifth workshop is all about how to bring a fresh new energy to your bedroom. (Slutty Cirque du Soleil, anyone?!) We'll talk about metaphorically dropping your handkerchief to give the hint, how to turn yourself on first, and how to engage all of the senses for the kind of sex you remember for the rest of your life!

Tapping: Our fifth tapping class will help you drop any inhibitions you have. If you’ve ever wished you could be more in the moment with your beloved, if you have secret fantasies you’ve been too shy to share, if you wish you could come out of your shell and blow their mind, this class will absolutely destroy whatever has been holding you back. MEOW! 



Workshop: Our sixth and final workshop will help you establish routines, rituals and systems to keep you attuned to your new Lover Girl way of life! You'll learn how to keep the faith when things feel challenging, and how to continue glowing up and staying connected to your lover, as well as your own life.

Tapping: Our last tapping class will be a celebration of how far you have come! Maybe you'll be telling us about the antics you and your lover are getting into... Maybe you'll be glowing with a newfound radiance... Maybe you'll be pregnant! It's all beautiful and it's all welcome! Wherever you're at, we'll come together one final time to ground into the essential lessons of Lover Girl, to remember your power, and to continue with the creation of your legendary love story. 

I can hardly wait to start teaching this to you! We are going to have the time of our lives!




Two Monthly Payments of


✓ Access to Lover Girl: Devoted

✓ BONUS: Love On Tap, my relationship tapping course (only available here!)

✓ BONUS: Access to the Hologram Heart audiobook (your perfect complement!)


One Time Payment of


✓ Access to Lover Girl: Devoted

✓ BONUS: Love On Tap, my relationship tapping course (only available here!)

✓ BONUS: Access to the Hologram Heart audiobook (your perfect complement!)




When you join Lover Girl, you also receive "Love On Tap", a 13 day tapping experience to create healthy, happy, resentment-free relationships! This is your ultimate fix-it-toolkit! Love On Tap has the ability to completely shift your romantic reality... Give it a try!



I'm not a Lover "Girl" as such. I'm non-binary, trans, a gay male, more mature, etc. And what if I'm not in a heterosexual relationship? Am I still welcome?

Absolutely! You will feel at home with us, I promise. Love is for everyone, and being a Lover Girl is all about attitude!

Do you have payment plans?

Yes, of course! See above! 

How is this different from your book, Hologram Heart?

Hologram Heart is a fantastic book for someone looking to call in hot love (if I do say so myself!), but Lover Girl: Devoted is a fully-immersive and intensive experience for a babe who is ready to take their relationship to the next level. Over the course of six weeks, I will personally guide you in mastering new skills, building your confidence, finding clarity, and releasing fear and resistance on your road to your dream relationship. There's really no comparison!


Is there a community component to Lover Girl?

Yes, there is. We run all our communities through Mighty, which is very easy to use and makes connecting with like-minded babes so simple! You'll adore it, and it helps immensely to have support on this journey. Once the program ends, you will still have access to the community for a couple of weeks before we clear it out, but you will keep access to the lessons forever.

I'm not familiar with tapping. Is that a problem?

Not at all. Tapping is simple and I will teach you everything you need to know about using it. It's even more fun if you're new, actually, because you'll be blown away by how powerful it is! I can't wait for you to discover it for yourself!



I know that right now, you're probably filled with nerves and trepidation. Maybe it's a mixture of hope and fear. I understand that unique blend all too well! As someone who has been through the love ringer, it's horrible to be afraid that it won't get better, and that the love you once shared is nothing but a distant memory...

But it's wonderful to feel optimistic, see your lover with fresh eyes, and feel the momentum build as you reconnect in totally new ways!

Even though some days, you might feel tempted to throw a molotov cocktail into the middle of your relationship, I have to tell you...

Change only happens when we lead by example. We cannot wait around for others to change their spots; we must be brave enough to go first. I invite you to explore dosing yourself with love, pleasure, magic, and tenderness, and see what unfolds...

See you in class.


[email protected]