Become a feminine bombshell!
Reconnect to your essence, plug into your power, and heal your heart

Let me paint a lil' picture for you (from my own life, no less).
From the outside, everything looks great. You're killing it at work. Your social media is #goals. You've mastered boundaries, and you can take any vacation you like.
But your love life is RIDICULOUS. It's a never-ending joke you tell at brunch with your girlfriends. And it's funny, sure... But god, you wish one day you had some good news to tell.
And no matter how it looks on the outside... You're burned out from hustle culture. You analyze everything, and as a result, your top two emotions are anxiety and exhaustion. You've come to regard "feelings" -- ew, ick -- as unnecessary, so you've turned most of them off.
You want a relationship. You do! But you're terrified. The idea of trusting someone seems totally foreign. You can't relax enough to let anyone in. Your defenses are so high they rival the Great Wall of China. You feel awkward during sex, and never truly in your body.
And, most perplexing of all, when you actually meet someone you like, it's like you totally lose your spark.
I know you how much you want to be in love: that Moulin Rouge, fireworks, poetry on the beach at sunset kinda love.
But here's what I've learned. Those skills you acquired to thrive in the modern world are not the same skills that make a relationship work.
Babe, if you want a new life, you need a new tool kit.
And when you can't let go or trust others, you're really robbing yourself. Of the opportunity to not only feel authentically good, but of the chance to fall in love and be seen for your true self.
Your life could be completely different. And I know you want more.
Outrageous love affairs that are actually worth journaling about!
Feeling connected to your heart and your divine intuition
Permission to step away from hustle culture and really live
Healing your inner child so you actually feel safe
Truly loving your reflection and enjoying being in your body
An end to overthinking and access to your genuine bliss
Releasing your fear so you can be truly free
Transforming into the feminine bombshell you know you can be!
Don't worry, honey... You're not alone. The more I talked to other badass women, the more I realized what a widespread problem this was. On one hand, it was so helpful for me to discover that I wasn't the only person going through this! But on the other... I still had a problem.
And if you're like me, and you're not careful, you can end up settling... Or deciding that it's better to be alone.
You may have grown up watching your mother give in to a man who dominated or made her life a living hell, and you thought, 'There's no way I will ever put myself through that!' And rightly so!
As a result, you might have bought into the idea that you must be in absolute control of your own life, at any cost.
Because it seems like you have two choices: you can be successful and alone... Or you can lay down your ambition and completely rely on a man.
They aren't great choices! No wonder we feel trapped!
But it's really a false dichotomy.
REAL femininity is not about compromise. That's just a story you've been sold by people who benefit from keeping you disempowered.
When you are in your feminine, you are deeply powerful: many orders of magnitude more than a woman who disavows this part of herself!
You don't have to choose between two falsehoods.
When you're in your feminine power, you can have a lush life and enjoy both the act of loving, trusting, and adoring your partner... And being loved, trusted, and adored by them.
This idea might scare the shit out of you. Because we have have been programmed, both overtly and covertly, to distrust men.
And let's be real: should you trust every man that crosses your path? Absolutely not!
But... Once you've attracted a healthy partner, being unable to trust them will completely ruin the potential of any happiness you could have.
So what can you do to put down your shield and actually experience true love?
It's a process, baby: a journey. And in The Venus Codes, I'll step you through every single bit of it.
That vision of your best, most powerful feminine self? You have that vision for a reason. You are being called. And it is time to bring it to fruition.
I can't tell you what a deep relief it is to let go of your need to control everything and actually LIVE.
Even better, this process of discovering your femininity can be something so beautiful. Plugging into your true essence can be easy, natural, and joyful. Yes, even for you!
It's so interesting. Some people will tell you that in order to feel your femininity, you need to buy a pair of stripper heels and take a pole-dancing class. Now, truly, there is nothing wrong with that... And I love a good pair of Pleasers! But if you haven't healed what's going on for you inside, that's just window-dressing.
When you feel truly safe in your feminine energy, you won't need to write yourself Post-It Notes to remind you to "be feminine" or "be in your body".
It will just happen, because you've healed. It will just happen, because that's who you are. It will just happen, because you'll be authentically expressing yourself!
Doesn't that sound so delicious? I have hearts in my eyes just thinking about it! And this is exactly what we are going to dive into in The Venus Codes. I hope you're ready for the ride of your life!

The Venus Codes is a digital experience designed to overhaul your healing, transform your inner world, and help you embody the feminine bombshell inside you. By the end of this program, you'll have a digital book, an audiobook, and an entire library of feminine energy tapping sessions to refer to whenever you like!
When you join us, you will receive...
- Instant access to an exclusive podcast episode about my journey to femininity (and some of the biggest roadblocks I hit along the way!)
- 10 chapters in PDF format, where we will dive into every aspect of your feminine essence...
- The audiobook, so you can listen along instead of read (if you prefer!)
- BONUS tapping sessions that connect to the chapter to help you expedite your healing and move through the process!Â
- Access to my exclusive 5 SECRETS TO FEMININE MAGNETISM class
As I guide you through this process, working through one chapter a month, you will have ample time to integrate the lessons. If this is an area of your life you want to change, it's going to require more than a skim-reading. Change doesn't happen in the mind, it happens when you APPLY it to your real life! We are going to work through this together. You are not alone!
Oh, and even better: you get to keep it forever!
In this chapter, you'll start to take a real inventory of where you are in this moment, and you'll also see what can be possible. You'll get a peek behind the scenes of what inspired me to write this book, and realize that you are not alone!

Where Did The Feminine Go (& Why Do We Need It)?
Let's talk about the myriad of reasons why our femininity goes away. (Oh my goodness. There are so many.) And then we'll explore the many incredible things we're missing out on when we push our feminine essence to the side.
Your Juicy Feminine Vision
You don't have to "do femininity" like everyone else. In fact, your vision of what it means to be feminine is as unique as your fingerprint! In this chapter, you'll experience the real freedom of getting clear on what being in your feminine power means to YOU.
So, You Wanna Be A Sex Bomb...
It's time to HEAL, so you can start to FEEL different. Because you might put on the goddess dress, you might meditate every morning, you might speak in a dulcet tone… But it’s all window-dressing. Real transformation requires real healing, and that's what we're going to do.
Healing 101
Let's talk about forgiveness, compassion, and acceptance. In this chapter, you will learn how to let go of your resentments, bitterness, and even the sadness that keeps you small and locked down.
Loving Little You
One of the biggest keys to healing is in loving the childhood version of you. Babe, it's time to reparent yourself. You'll learn how to give yourself what you needed as a child, choose new spiritual parents, and discover how to change your inner dialogue for good.
Bombshell Powers: Activate!
Now, let's put it all together! You will learn how to radiate sexual confidence and magnetism, how to flirt and initiate sex, and the secrets to making sex incredible. In short, you'll discover how to become your own Jessica Rabbit!
In Perfect Love & Perfect Trust
Sitting in your feminine power isn't all roses and orgasms. It's also learning to get comfortable in the receptive mode. In this chapter, you will learn how to finally sit back, relax, and trust the universe.
Polarity In Love
The most healthy and fun relationships are those with plenty of polarity and energy play. Here, you'll discover how to use your feminine energy to drive your partner wild, as well as break old patterns, and create a relationship that is truly passionate!
Supreme Pussy Magic
We're saving the best until last! You're going to be truly blown away by what you learn in this final chapter. Let's just say, this will change your life... And might just be worth the price of admission alone! đ

- Instant access to an exclusive podcast episode about my journey to femininity (and some of the biggest roadblocks I hit along the way!)
- 10 chapters in PDF format, where we will dive into every aspect of your feminine essence...
- The monthly audiobook, so you can listen along instead of read (if you prefer!)
- BONUS tapping sessions that connect to the chapter to help you expedite your healing and move through the process!Â
- Access to my exclusive 5 SECRETS TO FEMININE MAGNETISM classÂ

I'm Gala Darling.
I'm the EFT/Tapping and Manifestation Queen and a bestselling author. I'm a New Zealander, living in a glowing neon dreamhouse on the beach in Southern California. (I am truly living my manifestations!)
For the last fifteen years, I have been working in the self-development space, teaching women how to truly love themselves through EFT/tapping, books, and workshops. ...And we have a LOT of fun doing it!
Before I started this work, my life was in shambles due to depression and an eating disorder. After I healed myself using tapping, I became obsessed with the idea that what we think is a life sentence is actually just a story.
Professional accolades? Okay. My TEDTalk has been viewed over a quarter of a million times (and it was my first time speaking in public!). My first book, Radical Self-Love: A Guide To Loving Yourself And Living Your Dreams (Hay House, 2016) became an instant bestseller at #1 in its category and has been translated into five languages. I've taught at NYU, been featured everywhere from Vogue to the New York Times, and worked with celebrity clients like the original Girlboss, Sophia Amoruso.
That's cool and everything, but for me, nothing compares to meeting a woman who has been inspired to totally transform their life because of my work. It’s literally my favorite thing on the planet.

Are you ready for the Codes?
- YES, I feel the fluttering of my feminine essence and I want to step into it fully!
- YES, I acknowledge that living in my head is not helping me create the life I yearn for!
- YES, I am ready to try something new, and I am willing to step outside of my comfort zone to get new results!
- YES, I want a relationship that makes my heart flutter and brings enormous joy to my life!
- YES, I want to let go of the need to control everything, and experience the beauty of life!
If this sounds like you, you’re exactly where you need to be.
"Be the woman you shiver to be and be the woman that scares the absolute shit out of you and for the sake of the sun, be the woman who makes you feel so fucking alive your coffee hits like ecstasy and you become the kind of magic we were taught not to believe in." — Brooke Solis
I want to show you who you can be, UNBRIDLED. Your freedom is so beautiful, your essence is so luscious, and you deserve to live as your full self... Every single day.
Now, I know you might be tempted to take this journey for a dude. To save your relationship, to avoid divorce. I get it. (And The Venus Codes will absolutely upgrade your relationship: no questions asked.)
And yet... I want to encourage you to take this journey for YOU. Because learning to feel into your feminine is a gift for yourself first and foremost. Anyone else who gets to benefit from it is just a bonus.
I want to show you who you can be. You deserve to feel confident, feminine, and powerful, and experience absolutely EVERYTHING life has to offer.
UNLOCK THE VENUS CODES TODAY!Are The Venus Codes just for women?
I want this but I really don't think it's safe to be feminine!
I'm not straight, is this for me?
Itâs hard for me to change. I donât believe I can do it!
I donât think I have the time. I have an empire to run, honey!
I can't afford to do this.

- Instant access to an exclusive podcast episode about my journey to femininity (and some of the biggest roadblocks I hit along the way!)
- One chapter every month in PDF format, where we will dive into every aspect of your feminine essence...
- The monthly audiobook, so you can listen along instead of read (if you prefer!)
- Monthly BONUS tapping sessions which connect to the chapter to help you expedite your healing and move through the process!Â
- Access to my exclusive 5 SECRETS TO FEMININE MAGNETISM classÂ